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Just a girl living in the big city with nothing to do

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Okay, I think I can do this.

So they want me to blog about boys? Then that's what their gonna get!

So one of my first thoughts was, do I ask about the *gasp* EX!?!?!? I think it would be awkward, but it turns out its not! With today's technology it's so easy to find out. Like I just asked a few minutes ago, to my boyfriend, through text. Odd, yes, simple, yes! We ran out of things to talk about, so I suggested "Truth or Truth" and asking about his past relationships was easy!!!

I'm not thinking, why was i freaking again? I already knew of one due to an embarrassing friend (rude, right?) so it was easier then I thought it would be.

Remember: don't freak, its easy if it's meant to be!

1 comment:

  1. see!!! this is perfect!!!! ;)
    follow me woman! :P
    luv ya bunches!
